Hi there!!! lama dah tak update blog aku nih!! Well.. this coming Sun will be a day to be celebrated by ALL beautiful mummys out there!! Yeap! It's Mom's Day u ols!
Hmmm... in this posting- aku nak share my views about these lovely mothers below- who are close to me as my own flesh & blood or tied by the bond of marriage or yang I met masa kat office, school or uni days! I felt so blessed to have known each & eveyone of u...
Emak PD - a simple & humble mom in law. Memula nak join the fmly dulu- aku risau gak. ye lah, aku kan tak pandai masak! But she's so 'cool' beb coz dia kata kat aku - 'tak po, omak dulu pun tak pandai yo.. lelamo 'sok pandai lah tue!" Perghh... aku sapu blk 'peluh jantan' kat dahi aku tuh!! Masa dlm pantang pun - Emak PD yg jaga aku coz Emak aku sakit. Tak penah sekali aku tgk dia buat muka penat jaga aku & misha. To Emak PD - I'm sooo happy that u're back on your feet again! Moga panjang umur & happy selalu!
On the other hand, this year will be the 2nd time I'm celebrating it witout Emak. Rindu sgt nak dngr suara dia but cldn't bring myself together to put up the video of our last fmly trip in Dec 2007. But hey... I can pat my shoulder now coz I managed to tgk some of the Cameron trip photos & selected a few to upload for this posting! Cool eh? Mmm.. a good progress, even though I only managed to view up to 20 photos or less - before my head spinned like a wheel! I'll try again tomorrow... it was such a relief to see her sweet smile again!
Cute kan aku ngn Emak? As usual.. Emak mmg tak suka amik photo. So, ni ler hasilnya... posing style Saloma in the 50s era !! he he.. she's kept mumbling kat aku masa tgh amik photo nih! Aku ingt lagi dia kata ' aper ni?? pepagi buta lg dah nak amik gambo???"
Aku ngn Emak mmg cam 'pinang di belah dua' - symetrical jer ruper kami! he he.. aku mmg copycat pattern muka Emak & I'm proud of it! Photo atas ni mmg aku kan kenang smpi bila2. Masa nak amik photo ni Emak kata kat aku.. 'meh, Emak nak cium anak 'payung negeri' emak ni!" perghhh... bangga siot aku dgr mak kata cam tu...Dr kecik lg Emak bgi gelaran kat ktorg ber3..K Long - "Gunung payung", K Ngah - "Intan Payung" & aku - "payung negeri". He he.. cute kan Emak aku?? Ni mesti kes dia selalu layan citer2 p ramlee in the 60s nih!
Ni fav photo aku with K Ngah & Emak. Emak mmg happy sgt masa trip tu. Lnsg tak tnjuk sakit. It was pretty cold tp dia nampk sihat sgt.. Maybe bcoz Emak happy tgk bunga2 segar kat Cameron & tomato, etc. Emak is a 'mother nature' in person! Campak apa jer atas tanah- sure tumbuh segar... she's d best! Emak- adik & K ngah miss sgt kat Emak.. we'll take care of Ayah the way u did before, Insya Allah...
Ni K Ngah aku & her family- including aku, Misha & ayah! Aku bangga dgn dia. Even thou' dia punya body frame 'petite' & kecik jer org nya.. she's the back bone of our family. Bayangkan ye, dia kena manage 3 boys (2 of them are twins), 1 lil' princess & on top of that- dia jaga ayah kat umah dia lps Emak tak der... but never once did she ever complaints abt anything! She set such a good example to our children abt the fact that one fine day- we (the parents) may end up needing them (the children) to take care of us biler kiter dah tua & our 'other half' dah tak der... May Allah bless u beb! Aku syng kat ko, Ngah!
Haa.. ni kakak2 ipar aku! Yg left sekali is K Yah. She's a single mom & has been taking care of her princess (age 14) since the lil' girl was borned. She worked hard to earn a living & ensure that dia dpt bagi happiness kat anak dia. Once she said to me, "i don't want anything in this world except to be able to make my daughter feels that she's nothing less compared to others even thou' her father tak ada..." She's a 'fighter' against all odds!
These VOUGUE ladies are my UIA geng 'black heads'. From left- Eza, Fifie, Aida, aku, Dalind & Zaimah. Both Eza & Fifie has 1 lil' boy each. Zaimah plg terror... 3 lil' boys tp still maintain slim cam zaman uia dulu! Aku? 1 lil girl!!! Aida- still searching for the right guy. Dalind, still 'honeymooning' wit her lovey dovey hubby! Pa pe hal pun, kiter mmg fabulous MOM & AUNTS bebs!! Ahaks!
These are HLA moms- geng ronggeng! From left- Lin Nuar, ZamReen, FendiFid, SitiK & KhaiAnne. We knew each other dari zaman2 badan memasing ala2 biola sampai ler sikit lbh kurang nak jadik labu sayong! Ha ha ha!!! The best part abt these mates of mine is that our children grew together as most of them are about the same age. Lin Nuar with 2 boys, ZamReen wit 3 boys, SitiK wit 2 boys & KhaiAnne wit 2 girls. We've strted to have our family ronggeng activities since these kids were 7 months! North, south, east ,west M'sia kami dah jelajah & angkut bebudak ni sekali. So, our kids are used to idea that they're 1 BIG HAPPY FAMILY with mommy, daddy, mama, ayah, ibu & abah! Whenever I'm around them, I felt so blessed to have met these beautiful mommies & become part of this big family! Keep grovin' mommies & thanks for sharing your love wit Misha & for allowing me to share mine with yours as well!!!
Haaa... yg nie adalah the fav aunts dlm geng ronggeng! From left- Aan - aunty yg penyayang & dok ajar bebudak nie tat in what ever situation pun "pastikan rambut korang di sisir rapi'!!! Ahaks!! Cabuttt...!! Mak Yang- aunty fav bebudak nie coz dia plg suka melayan kerenah derang! Misha plg tak senang duduk klu mak yang dia tak ikut the trip.. puas pujuk daddy dia suruh singgah amik mak nyang kat umah! Boleh??? Haa.. yg plg kanan tuh- Mak Ado. Pun fav bebudak nie coz dia yg plg sempoi! 'Ekau buek yo lah apo ko nak buek, janji jgn patah kaki or tangan'!! hmmm...mau tak jadik 'aunty favorite'??? Ladies- thanks coz korang mmg blh layan 'handbags' kami tuh!! Korang indeed are their 'other moms' for them!
Hmmm... in this posting- aku nak share my views about these lovely mothers below- who are close to me as my own flesh & blood or tied by the bond of marriage or yang I met masa kat office, school or uni days! I felt so blessed to have known each & eveyone of u...
Emak PD - a simple & humble mom in law. Memula nak join the fmly dulu- aku risau gak. ye lah, aku kan tak pandai masak! But she's so 'cool' beb coz dia kata kat aku - 'tak po, omak dulu pun tak pandai yo.. lelamo 'sok pandai lah tue!" Perghh... aku sapu blk 'peluh jantan' kat dahi aku tuh!! Masa dlm pantang pun - Emak PD yg jaga aku coz Emak aku sakit. Tak penah sekali aku tgk dia buat muka penat jaga aku & misha. To Emak PD - I'm sooo happy that u're back on your feet again! Moga panjang umur & happy selalu!
On the other hand, this year will be the 2nd time I'm celebrating it witout Emak. Rindu sgt nak dngr suara dia but cldn't bring myself together to put up the video of our last fmly trip in Dec 2007. But hey... I can pat my shoulder now coz I managed to tgk some of the Cameron trip photos & selected a few to upload for this posting! Cool eh? Mmm.. a good progress, even though I only managed to view up to 20 photos or less - before my head spinned like a wheel! I'll try again tomorrow... it was such a relief to see her sweet smile again!
Yg plg right sekali is K Lang. She was married tp tak ader rezki dpt anak. The funny thing is... almost semua anak2 buah membesar di bawah jagaan dia. Misha was one of them. I was too weak after the cesearian.. so K Lang lah yg jaga the both of us lepas keluar hospital! She's such an angel with kids! somehow or rather I felt like she has a magic 'spell' kat bebudak coz they'll follow cakap K Lang! Semua anak2 buah panggil dia 'mama'. So- to all the anak2 buah- she's indeed a 'mother'!
p/s: biler misha naik pelamin nanti- korang pepandai ler uruskan the majlis erk?? Nyang bab2 jemputan, Ann bab2 pelamin & mak andam, Ado bab2 urusetia! Aku?? Busy ler jadik flower girl!!! AHAKS!!!
P/s: ko lah 'seksiteri' sorang Tan Sri yg plg sempoi penah aku jumpa! U're very down to earth despite ur vast knowledge! And as usual - ko jugak lah seksiteri geng ronggeng!! TQ beb
Lin- proud of u beb coz u were so strong when 1 of ur lil' boy was not well 3 years back! I wish I had the same strength like u during hard times! Ko mmg sorang IBU yg tabah!
Amah- 1 word jer yg sesuai utk ko - 'MITHALI' . And it's applicable to u being an 'ibu', 'isteri' , 'anak' & 'menantu'!! May Allah bless u beb! bangga aku dpt kawan sebaik ko!
Anne- u're blessed wit 2 beautiful girls! Doakan aku pulak, ek??
Yg ni pulak- geng2 uni hubby ku! Plg kanan is Eta & Liz. Despite keja in the corporate world- derang mmg a very homely type mommies. Eta is very good in baking cup cakes & lasagnea. Liz- needless to say- jaws aku dropped smpi ke tanah every time aku baca blog dia! Almost every weekend dia msk all sorts of lauk pauk! Tu belum tgk garden dia lg! Terror!!
Photo Eta & fmly. Ahaaa.. nampak tak awek cun sebelah aku tu? Tat's Ejin- our best buddy from S'wak.
The lovey dovey family- Liz & fmly- Duan, Afie & Aimran
At the end of the day- photo atas ni yg plg sesuai utk menggambarkan hakikat hidup sorang 'IBU/ MOMMY/ MAMA/ UMIE/ EMAK' etc. We try our best to balance our own needs as a person- we want to look beautiful, happy, carefree, etc. BUT at the same time- it's the needs of the CHILDREN tat will change the course of our lives! We'll do whatever or even go where ever.. as long as we'll be able to make 'em happy! After all- our sacrifices started the very day these kids grew in our womb, kan?
My little angel- Misha. MOMMY LOVES U SO MUCH! Thanx for the beautiful rose & cards. U're such an angel.. !! Looking at you while u're sleeping, made me realised tat it's worth the 'battle' tat i've got to go thru' in the operation theatre...
Ha .. ha.. ha... Jesse mmg 'clown' mommy, kan????
Emak & Ayah - their last photo together in Dec 2007, a month before Emak pergi.. They were married for 45 years! Emak gave birth to the 3 of us- all thru' cesearian. Back then- esp in the 60s - it's like 50-50 pnya case... But she was very strong & tak pernah serik utk bagi zuriat kat ayah walaupun dia bertarung nyawa to bring us to this world! ADIK SYNG SGT KAT EMAK... SELAMAT HARI IBU... Mak...
The love of my life.. Hope umur kiter pnjang utk tgk Misha berjaya dlm hidup. Thnks for taking very good care of us... WE LOVE U!